02 October 2006

Likes and Dislikes

I was reading the IMDB forum for the film Amelie. One the threads there was about naming 3 slightly unusual things you like and dislike, as the film does when introducing the characters.

Mine are...

Night walks, where if the moon is full everything is coated with a silver lustre and the world looks magical or if not you can see the milky-way and thousands of stars.

Lying in bed, safe, while a storm rages.

The smell made when the first raindrop hit the ground after a dry spell.

The sound of Nylon fabric rubbing against itself, it sends shivers down my spine.

Things being destoryed that maybe of some use. Hence I tend to hoarde stuff.

Closed minded people who never listen to other people's points of view.


Jon said...

ok then, here goes.
Likes: doing nothing, music, EGGS!
Dislikes: doing things, all forms of clean, bigotry.

Jennie-Dee said...

My Turn!!

Likes... Sleeping, saying "Hello" to cats, peppermint tea. Oh yeah, PIRATES!!

Dislikes... Patronising people, being on the phone to someone who is having a conversation with someone else, Tom Cruise.

AlphIANo said...

Let's keep the ball rolling people...

Likes: Smell of exhaust fumes, dressing up, being a nerd.

Dislikes: Lilly Allen, soap operas, being quite so camp.