01 September 2006

Pubs, Yappie Dogs and Boobies

Since leaving work on Wednesday, I have seemed to spent most of my time at various pubs. Which has proved most interesting... for instance I have seen Jennie's amazing impression of a yappie dog. [Click here] to see it in it's full technicolor glory. This is a true work of performance art and I she should take on the road.
Someone who I will not name here to protect the guilty had great delight in shaking her very nice* boobies at me much to my embarrassment. Also for some bizarre reason that I forget now we seemed to end up discussing whether the 'Vicky Pollard' style of speech is a creole or pidgin or something else. Any answers would be grateful received.
I've also been back to work for the weekly pub outing which included these two dodgy characters and this evening will be back in town for more drinking fun

*her description but I have to agree

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